For Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'tips on first casino in pickham? Fastest way to get tokens? It's rather time consuming to win a lot of Tokens in the Pickham Casino, but it's really not THAT bad and there's a lot of cool stuff early in the game. Personally I buy 50-100 Tokens at the start (though 200-300 would be much more comfortable if you can spare the money), then I try Bingo twice with 25-50 bets.
Dragon Quest 8 is one of the greatest RPGs on PS2 to ever be played, it cannot be argued that the game has a lot going for it. The story is excellent, the gameplay is awesome and the special skills are great as well. However, there's one aspect of the game that is the biggest pain in the ass to ever grace the game, the casino(s) games or more specifically the Baccarat Casino game hence why I developed the Dragon Quest 8 Baccarat Casino Strategies. There's a casino that exist in two towns, Pickham and Baccarat. The Pickham casino doesn't have anything memorable worth blowing tokens on.
The Baccarat Casino is another story, it has 3 items thatyou need before you can continue your adventure. The Gringham Whip, theSpangled Dress and the Saint's Ashes. However, the amount of tokens that youneed for this transaction is 300,000 and the only game that is going to get youthose amount of token is Roulette. I've been playing this game for years and I'vesought to find a way to not have to do this part of the game again which I havebut more on that later.
I've developed my own strategies for playing the game roulette which I'll discuss in this post. So without further ado, let's get started.
Dragon Quest 8 Pickham Casino Tips List
Baccarat Casino, why you need the items you need
Dragon Quest 8 is one of the greatest RPGs on PS2 to ever be played, it cannot be argued that the game has a lot going for it. The story is excellent, the gameplay is awesome and the special skills are great as well. However, there's one aspect of the game that is the biggest pain in the ass to ever grace the game, the casino(s) games or more specifically the Baccarat Casino game hence why I developed the Dragon Quest 8 Baccarat Casino Strategies. There's a casino that exist in two towns, Pickham and Baccarat. The Pickham casino doesn't have anything memorable worth blowing tokens on.
The Baccarat Casino is another story, it has 3 items thatyou need before you can continue your adventure. The Gringham Whip, theSpangled Dress and the Saint's Ashes. However, the amount of tokens that youneed for this transaction is 300,000 and the only game that is going to get youthose amount of token is Roulette. I've been playing this game for years and I'vesought to find a way to not have to do this part of the game again which I havebut more on that later.
I've developed my own strategies for playing the game roulette which I'll discuss in this post. So without further ado, let's get started.
Dragon Quest 8 Pickham Casino Tips List
Baccarat Casino, why you need the items you need
One of the biggest reasons why I developed my Dragon Quest 8Baccarat Casino Strategies is because I got tired of mastering everything else inthe game except that aspect, I chose to do something about it. Now, earlier onI mentioned the items that you need out of here before continuing on, you needthe Gringham Whip because it's Jessica's ultimate weapon and it's very lethalin power.
The Spangled Dress is armor for Jessica but it is but analchemical component that's needed for another armor upgrade for Jessica, theShimmering Dress, a must have item. The Saint's Ashes are needed for thecreation of a very powerful accessory for everyone, the Catholicon Ring.
As I've said, leaving the casino without breaking theroulette for the 300,000 tokens you need will ultimately undo you for the restof the game. The items should be made top priority especially if you're on yourway to Empycchu in the World of Light and World of Darkness. What many gamersdon't know is that using the Gringham Whip sort of cuts down on using her moveslike Twin Dragon Lash because the whip hits ALL enemies and not enemies inspecific groups.
This frees up Jessica's magic points for the use of spells like her Bang spell and its variants or even her Caduceus healing ability. Think about it!
The central focus of my Dragon Quest 8 Baccarat Casino Strategies is 3-fold. The first, the table, next the numbers then the strategies themselves. First, the Roulette table is the one that's going to get all of your attention. No other game in the casino is going to get you the kind of tokens that roulette can. Next, the numbers. Now, the numbers that are picked are random, but if you pay real close attention then you'll see that some of them are picked more over others. Check my video detailing this.
Finally, the strategies. As I was doing this I began to notice that the only way to really get tokens to start out with is to not use your 600 tokens to bet on one number. That takes too long and it only adds to the frustration, so what I did was I hit one of the yellow triangle off to the far right that highlighted a row of numbers, I went with the middle because I was feeling lucky, I got a hit i.e. I won. Next, I used my 1800 tokens and I spread them out over 3 numbers and one of them got chosen. I always saved after all of my wins.
The amount of tokens to be satisfied
The amount of tokens that are needed might seem a littleextreme especially for my Dragon Quest 8 Baccarat Casino Strategies, but trustme when you're need some tokens to buy some Saint's Ashes for whatever youmight need them for then you'll be happy you have them. Also, I want to go onrecord as saying that any amount of tokens under 300,000 is a completeundermine of the entire strategy. The items in the casino cannot be bought orobtained anywhere else, so it is imperative that you get what you need here.
Dragon Quest 8 Baccarat Casino Strategy
I can guarantee you that you're going to be making more thanone stop in here for the Saint's Ashes because they are critical to many of thealchemy recipes that require it. The Spangled Dress is only needed to be boughtonce, and the same for Jessica's Gringham Whip. The Gringham Whip is thestrongest whip in the game and make no mistake, it is definitely worth the buy.
There's no better time to move on getting it after you get the tokens together but you're still going to need the other 100,000 tokens before you can walk out of the casino. You see, the goal here is to get the 300,000 tokens so if you need Saint's Ashes, you're not having to replay the roulette table for more tokens hence the strategy and the genius of it.
Exit strategy for the future so you never have to do this again
I admit that my Dragon Quest 8 Baccarat Casino Strategiesare flawless, to my knowledge, but I don't always want to go through this whenI play the game and if you're like me, you'll feel like you're losing momentumhaving to stop in at Baccarat so you can do this irritating sidequest but I gotto a point where I didn't want to always do this so here's what I did. After Iwon all 300,000 tokens, I ran to the nearby town church and saved my game.Next, I copied that particular file across a few of my PS2 memory cards.
This ensures that I never have to do it in the near or farfuture. In this way, all I have to do is when I get to that part of it justload the data and bypass it. This is what I'm advising you to do as wellbecause there's nothing that kills a good game's momentum than time-consumingbullshit like this.
If you have any other casino games in games like Alundra or another game then follow this tidbit of advice, it could save you from hours of frustration and controller breaking. I wanted to make sure I never had to do it again for as long as I live.
The Dragon Quest 8 Baccarat Casino Strategies is a strategycreated of my own design to put the most amount of tokens in your pocket in theshortest amount of time. The strategy focuses on roulette, the numbers as wellas which numbers and the amount of tokens needed to proceed onward. The exitstrategy ensures that gamers never have to do it again in the future if theydon't want to.
So what do you think of my post, good, bad, awesome, not soawesome? Leave me a message and I'll get back to you. Thank you and Happygaming.